Sunday 28 November 2010

Life is up and down

Life is up and down..
Be down to earth when u are at the top
Be up your spirit when life seems not friendly to you..
Everyone has their own examination in get through their life in different way and only God knows how, where and when it will put in our life..

Dont think that it is only you yourself who has problem in this world, so the way how to brave ourselves and keep standing is the key on how to survive..
Is it easy....? NO never been easy, but escape will not make things getting any better...especially when it cost to other's life.

Let others facing their own examination, give your best pray if you can not even help them.
Yes life is not a matter of Boss Family, Life is universe even much bigger than just Boss Family.
Imagine, if you can not handle obstacles in Boss Family, how would you handle bigger things in this life?
Boss Family only require consistence and persistence and the result is predictable, the bigger u give ur best performance, the more money come..., that's all buddy..

But Life???
Life require all of things u have, it is unpredictable and that's why you have to lean on to none but GOD. *agree, it is simply theory*
Life dealt with people, people is tally with heart...heart is invisible but powerful.
You may happy or hurt when people touch your heart in nice way or unpredictable messy way..

But one thing for sure.. Boss Family is club/community when people braving each other in optimistic way...
so try to implement the optimistic way in bigger prospective of life then...So my friends..,I pray this examination will finally come to happy ending result as you wish.
You will be the winner if you choose to enjoy and survive instead of escaping but at the end you have to face it anyway...


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